Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The sound of silence

Both little ones are asleep.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Swim time for Cillian

Time to get Cillian ready for his weekly swimming lessons. He loves swimming.

One more last shot at Henry

One last shot at Thierry le Tricheur

Some pics that I've found on the web.

Time to move on from the Henry travesty

Perhaps it's time to move on.
Thierry Henry cheated and France progress to the World Cup and nothing is going to change that.
A small nation rages against the mighty, but M. Henry cheated and France progress and nothing will change that.
We will move on, but we will not forget.
Henry cheated and France progress.

Maintain the rage.

Henry fesses up - sort of

Thierry Henry feigns contrition, but is still not man enough to admit what the whole world knows to be true, his countrymen included, that he twice deliberately controlled the ball with his hand before passing to William Gallas for the winning goal.

Henry endures a vicious backlash globally, from the US to Australia, from Ireland to India, in Spain where he plays club football and at home in France.

He fears for a reputation and a brand that have been irreparably damaged.

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's not just a game

The English writer Terry Pratchett said that "The thing about football, the important thing about football, is that it is not about football."

Football is a game and it is more than just a game. It is global, it is tribal. It unites and it divides. It is base and it is poetry. It is waiting for that divine moment when one man transcends reality and makes us cry out with joy or despair.

It brings out the best in people. It brings out the worst.

Football is human. Football matters.

Thierry Henry is a cheat

Thierry Henry has brought eternal shame to himself, to France and to football.
I have always admired Les Bleus and cheered for them in every World Cup, but never again.

We have a new baby, a beautiful little girl called Aisling. She was born at 1:28am, in the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick. The birth was relatively straightforward and quick as births go (though I'd rather face an Ironman). She was instantly alert and soon having breakfast. Sharon was amazing and was sitting up in bed a few minutes after little miss arived, chatting away and cradling her newest treasure.
Aisling weighted 3.675kg and was 54cm long, with a beautiful round little 35cm head.

Cillian has been remarkbly good with her and daily becomes more interested in the baby.