Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Watch out Grant Hackett

Cillian had his second swim today and he really enjoyed himself. He was quite happy to float on his tummy or play bouncy in the water and fairly ok with being on his back. We were ages in the water, firstly in the leisure pool, then in the warmer hydrotherapy pool
We went with Magda and Jan. Jan is a very much a water baby and loves his trips to the pool.
School holidays are over and there was not the crowd of excited kids dashing and splashing about that we had on our last trip, which was good for our little hero.
We made friends with 10 month old Ethan and his mum Skye. Ethan loves the water and will hold onto mums back as she goes for a little swim.
We also made friends with the aqua aerobics instructor and his class of an elderly man and woman. As I was holding both the boys at the time, they wondered if they were twins.

I enjoy being a dad, but holding the two boys in my arm was special. It made me a Dad, someone who will look after not just his own, but all kids.
At Easter we visited with Liz and Rhett down at Gerringong. There was a constant stream of kids wandering through the house to play with our friends' children, not all of whom were known by our hosts. They were never the less welcomed and invited to sit and eat with us and play in the garden.

That's the way it should be.

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