Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First day if training on the program for the Gold Coast Marathon. 1 session down, 107 more to go.
I found it hard to get up this morning, but did a little later than I wanted. I left about 6:20 and it was still fairly dark.
I ran a 6km loop at between 15km and 1/2 marathon pace, in 25:52. Its a slow loop, so the time is not important, other than it was about where I wanted. All up I did 14km.

All Hail the Queen of snooze

Aisling is such an easy baby to mind. She likes two good naps in the day and sleeps from 10pm through to 7 or 8am. When she is up she smiles and chats and likes to be entertained. She doesn't cry unless she wants a feed or to go to bed.
We didn't do a lot today as when she was awake I had to wait for a guy to collect our old Kookaburra cooker. Then she went for a snooze. We had a quick trip to the library and the shop.