Monday, April 21, 2008

At swim two boys

Splish splashing
Originally uploaded by Anthony's World
This picture was taken on Cillian's first and so far only swim in the sea. It was late evening on New Year's Day and our little hero was tired. The water was cold and Cillian wasn't having a bar of it.

Today, we ventured back to the water, this time to the leisure pool at Cook and Phillip Park. We went with Magda and her baby boy Jan, who is a day older than Cillian. Jan has been swimming for a couple of months now and is very relaxed in the water.

Cillian was very good. He was a little apprehensive and was happy to cuddle up to me, but he did have a go at floating on his tummy and back and bobbing up and down in the water. He was happiest sitting in the shallow water, where he could splish splash away.

There were a few tears, but not too many and he was a contented little fellow when I swaddled him in a big towel.

It will be a regular thing for the four of us and hopefully Saoirse and Rex will join us soon.

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