Friday, April 18, 2008

Stay at home Dad

Originally uploaded by Ant from Paddo
Sharon returned to work on Monday. She misses Cillian, though is quite engaged by her new role.
To their eternal credit, the company I work for give men three months paid parental leave, as long as they are the primary carer.
So this week, its was just the boys at home.
The days have taken on a rhythm, get up around seven or whenever Cillian wakes. In the morning he is usually happy to chatter away to himself for a while, before coughing to announce that he is ready to get up. Change nappies, dress the little man, dress myself and entertain Cillian while Sharon gets ready for work. Mum feeds the bub and then its the boys on their own.
We play, then either Cillian sleeps in his cot, or we go for a long walk, where hopfully he will crash.
Lunch, play and then an afternoon walk, hopefully with a snooze for the little fellow.
Then Mum is home.
It is full on , but a lot of fun and I'm so glad to have been given the opportunity to spend so much time with my baby. He is six months old now and becoming more and more aware of his world.

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