Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I ran today

Over the last six months, my running has been blighted by injury, illness and work.
Two weeks ago, I started an eight week schedule to get me ready for a half marathon in late May. Unfortunately, after a single run, I came down with the flu, not a cold mind, but the flu. I tried an easy jog last Tuesday, pushing Cillian in his jogger, it went well, but the following day I paid for it, with a return of the flu at its most virulent.
So a week later I ran again, the same easy flat run around Rushcutters Bay, with its marina and views over the water to the city and Manly. My legs felt tight and heavy, like I had already been running for two hours. But it was a beautiful morning, the rain giving way to warm sunshine and towards the end of the run, I felt a tiny little bounce come back into my stride. I feel good now, writing this several hours later. Hopefully, tomorrow I will still feel good and go for another run.

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