Sunday, April 27, 2008

Free time

Its 10:50am on Monday morning. Cillian's dream feed worked its charm again last night, with our little hero sleeping from about 12:30am to almost 7am. Sharon was kind enough to get up and place some toys in his cot and this amused him for a while, but at 7:30 I got up to placate his insistent calls and it was onto the bed for playtime with toys, then a quick nappy change, more play while I tried to dress him, which isn't easy as he keeps trying to roll to get at his toys. After that breakfast from mum, more play, this time on his play mat upstairs, then breakfast - rice and pumpkin which he enjoys, more play this time on his mat downstairs and tickles from Dad, before a bottle which sent him to sleep. And sleep he has, for over an hour and a half now, giving Dad a chance to get some tea, tidy and blog.

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